Will 2022 be the Year of the Great Return?

The pandemic began its crippling effects on our health and economy in March, 2020. For working moms, the coronavirus forced hundreds of thousands to leave the workforce to manage home and family life during the shutdown. While women are still leaving the workforce, it’s drastically decreased since 2020. Almost two years later, and we are all ready to put this difficult chapter behind us and hope that 2022 will be the year of the great return.

But what is the year of the great return?  It’s a year that marks a turning point in the pandemic where we have more control over our circumstances, allowing moms to return to work with the childcare and support they need to balance their personal and professional life.

Even though COVID is still here and we haven’t yet hit that turning point in the pandemic, it’s good to start thinking about what you want to do when you decide to return. Consider this: the typical job search takes 8 months for those without a career pause and even longer for those with a career pause on their resume. If you plan to return to work in 6-12 months, now is the time to start preparing!

5 Signs 2022 Is the Year of the Return

There are several signs that this year will be a year of positive progression for both the economy and our workforce.

1. Not only do we have a COVID-19 vaccine, it is now approved for children ages 5-11. Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, says the under 5 years old age group will likely be able to become vaccinated as early as the first quarter of this year. The difficulty the pandemic has brought on for working mothers regarding childcare is a major contributing factor to women leaving the workforce. With both adults and children eligible to receive a vaccine, it greatly decreases the likelihood of unexpected and extended childcare due to quarantine periods for the infected and exposed. 

2. Companies are more open to flexible work arrangement which make work more conducive for caregivers.

A silver lining of the pandemic is that companies are more open to flexible work arrangements which include working remotely where possible, designating critical “prime time” hours where meetings and employees are expected to be available, and being more flexible outside of those hours.

3. This pandemic has been a time of great transition and great reflection; people are shifting and realizing that they want a change. For many women who left the workforce, they are re-examining their interests, passions, and priorities. Returning to the workforce will most likely take a different shape from when they left. Working moms may search out different roles than what they had before, and will be looking for more flexibility, and better benefits, all of which are now more available because of the pandemic.

4. Companies are less wary of a career pause after the pandemic, regardless of what caused the gap between jobs. With record unemployment rates across the board, employers and hiring managers are accepting the fact that a career gap is going to show up on resumes more often than not.  

5. Why not start now? There is no time like the present. We have all been through several years of stops and starts with COVID. If we hang around waiting for the perfect time, then we might never get started. So why not get started planning your return? It might just be the change that you have been looking for.

If you are looking to make 2022 your year of return, Parents Pivot would love to partner with you to find success in finding the perfect fit for you! We offer many resources to assist you with your job search, from 1:1 and group coaching to special events and job listings in Houston. Connect with us today to make this year your year!