Working Parent Workshops

Workshops for working parents to reduce stress, increase productivity, and feel empowered at home and work

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Create your Work Life BLEND

Are you a working parent juggling work and parenting? 

Learn my proprietary BLEND framework for integrating work and life, work smarter not harder, decrease mom guilt, increase focus, and feel more empowered. In this workshop series you’ll learn:

  • How you can make one small change to impact work and life right now

  • How to BLEND work and life so that you feel less stressed and more productive

  • How to increase the time you spend on meaningful work

Fair Play: Manage the Mental Load for equity at home and Work

What if we organized and ran our households the way werun our teams at work? Tired of the mental load? Based onthe NY Times best-selling book by Eve Rodsky and with FairPlay certified facilitator, Anna McKay from Parents Pivot, we’ll have an interactive workshop around creating an equitable shift in domestic workload, to reduce burnout and unlock potential at work and home through a freed-up mental load.

Reach out to Anna to discuss ways to bring these workshops to your workplace.
